
Entity Definition

Logical Name : ScheduledEvent
Physical Name : CO_EV_SCH

Something has been planned to take place. ScheduledEvents are normally associated with business processes like markdowns, physical inventory, special promotional displays and advertising, etc.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
EventID (FK)(PK) A unique, automatically assigned identifier for the Event ID_EV Identity integer
TypeCode Describes the subtypes of a scheduled event. Examples a data maintenance event or a physical inventory event. TY_EV Code4 char(4)
Name The business name of the event. NM_EV Name varchar(40)
StoreOrHomeOfficeControlCode A code to indicate whether the event is controlled by the store or by the home office. CC_EV Code2 char(2)
OwnerName Identifies who in the retailer organization owns and is responsible for the EVENT. NM_EV_OWNR Name varchar(40)
PlanStartDateTimestamp The planned starting time and date for an event. TS_EV_PL_EF EffectiveDateTime datetime
PlanEndDateTimestamp The planned time and date when the event terminates TS_EV_PL_EP ExpirationDateTime datetime
Instruction Free text of instructions for the Worker's that are assigned to perform this Event. DE_INSTR DescriptionNarrative varchar(4000)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
ScheduledEvent may effect RetailStoreLocationEvent
Event can be a ScheduledEvent
ScheduledEvent can be a DataMaintenanceEvent
ScheduledEvent can be a PhysicalInventoryEvent

Logical Views containing ScheduledEvent

Logical View
Logical 01300 - Item Price Maintenance View
Logical 02010 - Item Inventory - Adjustments View
Logical 05000 - Taxation - Macro View
Logical 06700 - Event Scheduler View
Logical 11100 - Worker - Macro View
Logical 20030 - Forecourt Transaction View
Logical 21000 - Fresh Item Management Macro View